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There are several types of characters we allow, but we do have to be selective as we keep the setting and location in mind. If it does not have specific rules in V20, W20, or M20, then we do not allow them. However, there are things that do have rules but are still not allowed. This page lists the clans/tribes/types/traditions that are restricted.



Uktena - May be allowed on a case by case basis. A good reason will be required.

Wendigo - May be allowed on a case by case basis. A good reason will be required.



Pumonca - These are restricted because they are Native American and have no business in Ireland.


Other Shifters:

Ajaba - No. Just no.

Ananasi - They're just that creepy (and can become NPCs far too easily)

Gurhal - May be allowed on a case by case basis. A good reason will be required.

Hengyokai -May be allowed on a case by case basis. A good reason will be required.

Nuwisha - There are only 100 in existence. They are an NPC tool only.

Ratkin - For reasons. We won't discuss them.



Numina/Hedge Magic have no rules in 20th Anniversary yet. When they do, we may revisit them. Until then, don't ask for one!



Will be allowed on a case-by-case basis. Yes, this may seem like favoritism but the system is too easily exploited and can be hard to understand sometimes. We want to make sure that -everyone- has fun playing. We don't need people running around in a wizard had saying "Herp Derp I'm a Mage! Now you're a frog!" that's not fun!

We have to be sure the person aspiring to play a Mage is responsible and knows the system well enough to have fun and make it fun for others.



Gargoyles - Limited, see an OP/ST for permission or denial before making one. This goes for Gargoyle Ghouls as well.

Old Clan Tzimisce - Restricted, will not be allowed.

Bloodlines - All bloodlines are by permission only. Ask an OP/ST before you make one!

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